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                【9.12】奥地利真菌∴学家Egon K. Horak学术报告
                时间:2013-09-11 浏览:

                    报告题目:()History of mushroom research in China. (二)、Remarks to taxonomy of Agarics & Boletales in China and neighboring countries.

                  报告人:Egon K. Horak 奥◣地利真菌学家 教授




                  报告人简介:Egon K. Horak has been a Curator in the herbarium of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) since 1970. Egon has a broad depth of taxonomic expertise in a wide variety of families in the Agaricales. Because of his extensive knowledge of tropical Agaricology, Egon has made numerous contributions to the project.


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