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                2015.09-2021.07  哈尔滨工业大学 博士研究生 市政工程专业 
                2012.09-2015.07  东北农业大学 硕士研究生 生物化工 
                2008.09-2012.07  东北农业大学 本科 生物工程
                1.Jia Xing, Guoren Xu, Guibai Li. Analysis of the complexation behaviors of Cu(II) with DOM from sludge-based biochars and agricultural soil:Effect of pyrolysis temperature[J]. Chemosphere,2020,250:126184. 
                2. Jia Xing, Lucheng Li, Guoren Xu, Guibai Li. Feasibility of sludge-based biochar for soil remediation: Characterisitics and safety performance of heavy metals influenced bypyrolysis temperatures[J]. Ecotoxicology and environmental safety,2019,180:457-465. 
                3. Jia Xing, Guoren Xu, Guibai Li. Comparison of pyrolysis process, various fractions and potential soil applications between sewage sludge-based biochars and lignocellulose-based biochars[J]. Ecotoxicology and environmental safety 2021,208:111756. 
                4. Xing, J. , Liu, C. , Zhang, Y. , He, H. , Zhou, Y. , & Li, L. , et al. (2015). Sphaerisporangium dianthi sp. nov. an endophytic actinomycete isolated from a root of dianthuschinensisl. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, 107(1), 9-14.
