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                时间:2020-11-18 浏览:

                华南微生物资源中心    副研究员


                  Mainly focusing on the fungal taxonomy and molecular phylogeny of basidiomycetes fungi.


                1.  Hosen MI*, Zhong XJ, Gates G, Orihara T, Li TH. 2019. Type studies of Rossbeevera bispora, and a new species of Rossbeevera from south China. MycoKeys 51: 15–28.

                2. Hosen MI*, Liang X, Xu J, Li TH. 2019. Pluteus squarrosus sp. nov. (Pluteus sect. Celluloderma, Pluteaceae) from northeast China. Nordic Journal of Botany 37: e02427

                3.  Hosen MI, Xu J, Li T, Li TH. 2020. Tricholomopsis rubroaurantiaca, a new species of Tricholomataceae from southern China. Mycoscience 61: 342–347. SCI.

                4. Hosen MI*, Mehmood T, Das K, Kudzma LV and Bhatt RP. 2018. Amanita tullossiana, a new species and two new records of Amanita section Lepidella from north-western Himalaya, India. MycoKeys 37: 73–92. SCI.

                5. Hosen MI, Song ZP, Gates G and Li TH. 2018. Xanthagaricus caeruleus, a new species with ink-blue lamellae from southeast China. Mycoscience 59: 188–192. SCI.

                6. Hosen MI*, Xu J, Liang XS, Li TH. 2018. Pluteus umbrosoides and P. chrysaegis, new records from China. Mycotaxon 133: 559–568. SCI.

                7. Hosen MI*, Liang XS, Li JP, Xu J, Li TH. 2018. Pluteus losulus, a new record from south China. Mycotaxon 133: 711–719. SCI.

                8. Hosen MI* and Li TH. 2017. Two new species of Phylloporus from Bangladesh with morphological and molecular evidence. Mycologia 109: 277–286. SCI.

                9. Hosen MI*, Song ZP, Samantha KC, Gates G, Chowdhury MSM and Li TH. 2017. Two new species of Xanthagaricus and some notes on Heinemannomyces from Asia. MycoKeys 28: 1–18. SCI.

                10. Hosen MI* and Li TH 2017. The first report of Limacella, with a new species description from Bangladesh. Phytotaxa 332: 280–286. SCI.

                11. Hosen MI*, Li TH, Lodge DJ and Rockefeller A. 2016. The first ITS phylogeny of the genus Cantharocybe with a new record of C. virosa from Bangladesh. MycoKeys 14: 37–50. SCI.

                12. Hosen MI, Li TH, Li T, Zhong XJ and Chen Y. 2016. Tricholoma sinoacerbum, a bitter species from Guangdong Province of China. Mycoscience 57: 233–238. SCI.

                13. Hosen MI*, Li TH, Aminuzzaman FM and Islam MR. 2016. Hygrocybe umbilicata sp. nov., with first generic report for Bangladesh and its phylogenetic placement. Phytotaxa 280: 70–76. SCI.

                14. Hosen MI*, Li TH, Ge ZW and Vellinga EC. 2016. Lepiota bengalensis, a new species of Lepiota section Lilaceae from Bangladesh. Sydowia 68: 187–192. SCI.

                15. Hosen MI*, Li TH, Chen XN and Deng WQ. 2016. Lactocollybia subvariicystis, a new species of little-known genus Lactocollybia from subtropical south China. Mycosphere 7: 794–800. SCI.

                16. Hosen MI*, Li TH, Wang WQ. 2015. Amanita cinereovelata, a new species of Amanita section Lepidella from Bangladesh. Mycological Progress 14: 35. SCI.  

                17. Hosen MI and Li TH. 2015. Phylloporus gajari, a new species of the family Boletaceae from Bangladesh. Mycoscience 56: 584–589. SCI.

                18. Hosen MI, Feng B, Wu G, Zhu XT, Li YC, Yang ZL. 2013. Borofutus, a new genus of Boletaceae from tropical Asia: phylogeny, morphology and taxonomy. Fungal Diversity 58: 215–226. SCI


                1. NSFC-外◣国青年学者研究基金 “中国华南地区拟口蘑属及口蘑属的分类学及系统发生学研究” (31750110476),2018/012019/12,主持,已完成。

                2. 中国博士后科学基金特别资助“中国洛腹菌属真分类学与多位点↙ DNA 系统学研 系统学究”(2018T110854),2018/012018/12,主持,已完成。 

                3. 中国博士后基金面上项目一等资助“多位点DNA序列联合分析中国↓双孢洛腹菌复合种群”(2017M610514),2017/012018/07,主持,已完成。

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