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                时间:2020-11-18 浏览:

                环境微生物研究发展中心    副研究员




                1.  Fei Liu,   Ziwen Yuan,   Xiao Sui,   Chaojun WangMeiying Xu,    Wei Li   and  Yuan Chen. Viscosity sensitive near-infrared fluorescent probes based on functionalized single-walled carbon nanotubes. Chem. Commun., 2020, 56, 8301-8304 

                2.  Wang, C*; Lui, Fei*; Chen, J; Yuan, Z; Liu, C; Zhang, X; Xu, M; Wei, L*; Chen, Y*; A graphene-covalent organic framework hybrid for high-performance supercapacitors, Energy Storage Materials, 2020, 32, 448-457.(co-first author)

                3.   Sui, X; Yuan, Z; Liu, C; Wei, L; Xu, M; Liu, Fei*; Montoya, A*; Goh, K*; Chen, Y*; Graphene oxide laminates intercalated with 2D covalent-organic frameworks as a robust nanofiltration membrane; Journal of Materials Chemistry A2020, 8, 9713–9725.

                4.  Luo, Y*, Liu, Fe*, Li, E., Fang, Y., Zhao, G., Dai, Xu. M. Y., Sun, G.. FRET-based fluorescent nanoprobe platform for sorting of active microorganisms by functional properties. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2020, 148, 111832. (co-first author)

                5.  Liu, Fei, Wang, C., Sui, X., Riaz, M. A., Xu, M., Wei, L., & Chen, Y. Synthesis of graphene materials by electrochemical exfoliation: Recent progress and future potential. Carbon Energy. 2019;1:173–199.

                6.  Liu Fei, Luo Y, Xu M. Viscosity measurements using a two-photon ratiometric fluorescent sensor with two rotors. Tetrahedron letters, 2018, 59(52): 4540-4544.

                7.  Jacek L. Kolanowski*Fei Liu*, Elizabeth J. New. Fluorescent probes for the simultaneous detection of multiple analytes in biology. Chem. Soc. Rev., 2018, 47, 195-208. (co-first author)

                8.  Fei Liu, Juan Du, Da Song, Meiying Xu,* and Guoping Sun. A Sensitive Fluorescent Sensor for the Detection of Endogenous Hydroxyl Radical in Living Cells, Bacteria and Direct Imaging of its Ecotoxicity in Living Zebra Fish. Chemical Communications, 2016, 52, 4636-4639.

                9.  Fei Liu, Juan Du, Meiying Xu,* and Guoping Sun. A Highly Sensitive Fluorescent Sensor for Palladium and Direct Imaging of its Ecotoxicity in Living Model OrganismsChemistry-An Asian Journal2016, 11, 43-48.

                10.  Fei Liu, Meiying Xu,* Xingjuan Chen, Yonggang Yang, Haiji Wang, and Guoping Sun. Novel Strategy for Tracking the Microbial Degradation of Azo Dyes with Different Polarities in Living CellsEnviron. Sci. Technol. 2015, 49, 11356-11362.

                11.Fei Liu, Tong Wu, Jianfang Cao, Zhigang Yang, Xiaojun Peng*. Ratiometric Detection of Viscosity Using a Two-photon Fluorescent Sensor. Chem. Eur. J. 2014, 19, 1548-1553.

                12.Fei Liu, Tong Wu, Xiaojun Peng*, et al. A novel fluorescent sensor for detection of highly reactive oxygen species, and for imaging such endogenous hROS in the mitochondria of living cells, Analyst, 2013, 138, 775–778.


                1.  一类新的荧光探针及其在偶氮降解中的应用,授权:ZL201510128212.2 ,第二发明人

                2.  一种钯离子荧光探针化合物及其应用,授权:ZL201510179434.7,第二发明人

                3.  一种核壳型纳米二氧化硅荧光探针及其合成方法和应用,授权:ZL201711215404.2,第二发明人。

                4. Core-shell type nanosilica fluorescent probe and synthesis method and use thereof, Patent No.:US 10732109B2, Date of patent:Aug.4,2020. 2nd inventor


                1.  国家自然科学基金委员会,青年基金, 213070162014-012016-12,基于荧光共╱振能量转移探针示踪微生物降→解偶氮染料,结题, 主持。

                2. 广东省自然基金委员会,博时启动,S2013040014438, 2013/10-2015/10,荧光示踪微生物降解偶氮染料途径,结题, 主持。

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