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                微生物安全与健康研究发展中心    副研究员







                  广东省 100 位博士博士后创新人物




                1. Liang Xue, et al. The resurgence of the norovirus GII.4 variant associated with sporadic gastroenteritis in the post-GII.17 period in South China, 2015 to 2017. BMC Infectious Diseases. 2019, 19:696

                2.Liang Xue, et al. Prevalence and genetic diversity of human sapovirus associated with sporadic acute gastroenteritis in South China from 2013 to 2017. Journal of Medical Virology. 2019, 91(10): 1759-1764

                3. Liang Xue, et al. Genome characteristics and molecular evolution of the human sapovirus variant GII.8. Infection, Genetics and Evolution. 2019, 73: 362-367

                4. Liang Xue, et al. Genome characterization and temporal evolution analysis of a non-epidemic norovirus variant GII.8. Infection, Genetics and Evolution. 2019, 70: 15–23

                5. Liang Xue, et al. Comparative phylogenetic analyses of recombinant noroviruses based on different protein-encoding regions show the recombination-associated evolution pattern. Scientific Reports. 2017, 7(1):4976

                6. Liang Xue, et al. Comparative genome analysis of a norovirus GII. 4 strain GZ2013-L10 isolated from South China. Virus Genes. 2016, 52(1): 14-21

                7. Liang Xue, et al.  Development of a sensitive method for directly sequencing GII. 4 norovirus genome. Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease. 2016, 84(3): 200-202

                8. Liang Xue, et al. Molecular epidemiology of noroviruses associated with sporadic gastroenteritis in Guangzhou, China, 2013-2015. Archives of Virology. 2016, 161(5): 1377-1384

                9. Liang Xue, et al. Direct sequencing and analysis of the genomes of newly emerging GII.17 norovirus strains in South China. Journal of Applied Microbiology. 2016, 120(4): 1130-1135

                10. Liang Xue, et al. Molecular characterization of new emerging GII.17 norovirus strains from South China. Infection, Genetics and Evolution. 2016, 40: 1-7

                11. Liang Xue, et al. Genome characterization of a GII.6 norovirus strain identified in China. Infection, Genetics and Evolution. 2015, 31: 110-117

                12. Liang Xue, et al. Genetic Analysis of Noroviruses Associated with Sporadic Gastroenteritis During Winter in Guangzhou, China. Foodborne Pathogens and Disease. 2013, 10(10): 888-895

                13. Liang Xue, et al. Complete genome analysis of a novel norovirus GII.4 variant identified in China. Virus Genes. 2013, 47(2): 228-234

                14.  Liang Xue, et al. A simple and novel method for GII norovirus genome clone with generic primers. Journal of Applied Microbiology. 2013, 115(2): 613-620

                15.  Le Zhang, Liang Xue*, et al. Development of a high-efficient concentrated pretreatment method for noroviruses detection in independent oysters: An extension of the ISO/TS 15216-2:2013 standard method. Food Control. 2020, 111: 107032

                16. 高珺珊,薛亮*. 诺如病毒常见流行株的胶体金免疫层析快速检测方法. 微生物通报. 2020, 47(8): 2665-2672

                17. 张乐,薛亮*. 基于靶向结合的食源性诺如病毒富集与检测研究々进展. 病毒学报. 2019, 35(6): 978-983

                18. 左月婷#薛亮#. 诺∮如病毒感染宿主免疫应答机制研究进展. 微生物☆学报. Doi:10.13343/j.cnki.wsxb.20200034

                19. 秦智伟,薛亮*. 食源性病毒核酸恒温检测技术研究进展. 微生物通报. Doi:10.13344/j.microbiol.china.200047


                1. 薛亮等. 一种GII.4型诺如病毒基因组扩增引物和扩增方法. 国家发明专『利. 授权. ZL201510487540.1

                2.  薛亮等. 一种GII.17型诺如病毒基因组扩增引物和扩增方法. 国家ζ 发明专利. 授权. ZL201510617459.0

                3. 吴清平,薛亮等. 临床样本前处理方法以及临床样本∏中诺如病毒的检测♂方法和试剂盒. 国家发明专√利. 授权. ZL201210464988.8

                4. 寇晓霞, 吴清平, 薛亮等. GI型诺如病ξ毒的环介导等温扩增检测引物组、检测方法和试剂盒. 国家↑发明专利↘. 授权. ZL201310690315.9

                5. 寇晓霞, 吴清平, 薛亮等. 一种从水体中高效浓缩病毒的方法. 国家发明▲专利. 授权. ZL201410790113.6


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