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                时间:2020-11-19 浏览:

                华南微生物资源中心卐    副研究员




                  担任《journal of marine biology》编委和《Frontiers in Microbiology》审稿人


                1. Wei Ye; Liu, T.M.; Zhu, M.Z.; Zhang, W.M.; Huang, Z.L.; Li, S.N.; Li, H.H.; Kong, Y.L.; Chen, Y.C. An easy and efficient strategy for the enhancement of epothilone production mediated by TALE-TF and CRISPR/dcas9 systems in Sorangium cellulosum. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology (IF=5.122,二区). 2019,7, doi: 10.3389/fbioe.2019.00334.

                2. Wei Ye, Taomei Liu, Weimin Zhang * , Saini Li, Muzi Zhu, Haohua Li, Yali Kong and Liqiong Xu. Disclosure of the molecular mechanism of wheat leaf spot disease caused by Bipolaris sorokiniana through comparative transcriptome and metabolomics analysis. International Journal of Molecular Science 2019 (IF=4.183,二区top), 20, 6090.

                3. Wei Ye, Taomei Liu, Weimin Zhang*, Muzi Zhu, Zhaoming Liu, Yali Kong and Shan Liu. Marine Toxins Detection by Biosensors Based on Aptamers. Toxins IF=3.895, 2020, 12, 1; doi: 10.3390/toxins12010001.

                4. Zi-Lei Huang, Wei Ye*, Mu-Zi Zhu, Ya-Li Kong, Sai-Ni Li, Shan Liu and Wei-Min Zhang*. Interaction of a Novel Zn2Cys6 Transcription Factor DcGliZ with Promoters in Gliotoxin Biosynthetic Gene Cluster from the deep-sea-derived fungus Dichotomomyces cejpii. Biomolecules (IF=4.694,二区), 2020, 10, 56; doi:10.3390/biom10010056

                5. Wei Ye, Xin He, Hongqing Wu, Lei Wang, Weimin Zhang, Yunfei Fan, Haohua Li, Taomei Liu, Xiaoxia Gao. Identification and characterization of a novel sesquiterpene synthase from Aquilaria sinensis: An important gene for agarwood formation. International journal of Biological Macromolecules ( IF=4.768,二区top). 2018, 108, 884-892.

                6. Wei Ye, Weimin Zhang *  , Taomei Liu, Zilei Huang, Muzi Zhu, Yuchan Chen, Haohua Li, Saini Li. De Novo Transcriptome Sequencing of the Deep-Sea-Derived Fungus Dichotomomyces cejpii and Analysis of Gliotoxin Biosynthesis Genes. International Journal of Molecular Science (IF=4.183,二区top). 2018, 19(7), 1910.

                7. Wei Ye, Taomei Liu, Muzi Zhu, Weimin Zhang, Haohua Li, Saini Li. De Novo transcriptome analysis of plant pathogenic fungus Myrothecium roridum and identification of genes associated with trichothecene mycotoxin biosynthesis. International Journal of Molecular Science (IF=4.183,二区top). 2017, 18, 497; doi:10.3390/ijms18030497.

                8. Wei Ye. Weimin Zhang, Taomei Liu, Zilei Huang, Muzi Zhu, Yuchan Chen, Haohua Li and Saini Li. iTRAQ-based quantitative proteomic and transcriptomic analysis   of chemically induced Aquilaria sinensis provides insights into agarwood formation mechanism. Proteomics (IF=4.052,二区),2018https://doi.org/10.1002/pmic.201800023

                9. Wei Ye, Weimin Zhang*, Yuchan Chen, Haohua Li, Saini Li, Qingling Pan, Guohui Tan, Taomei Liu. A new approach for improving epothilone B yield in Sorangium cellulosum by the introduction of vgb epoF genes. Journal of industrial microbiology and biotechnology (IF=3.015). 43, 641-650, 2016.


                1. 叶伟,章卫民,李浩华,李赛妮,王磊,谭国慧,两株纤维堆囊菌的▼转化方法,2016.9.14,中国,ZL201410049382.7

                2. 叶伟,何欣,章卫民,王磊,一种新型白←木香倍半萜合成酶及其编码基因和应用,中国,授权号:ZL 201410612415.4

                3. 叶伟,章卫民,一种适用№于纤维堆囊菌的新型TALEN载体及其构建方↓法,中国,授权号:ZL 201510083348.6

                4. 叶伟,章卫民,谭国慧,一种高产乙醇的酿酒酵母及其构建方法和应用,中国,授权号:ZL 201510103302.6

                5. 叶伟,章卫民,李浩华,李赛妮,王磊,谭国慧,两株纤维堆囊菌的转化方法分案,中国,申请号:ZL201510518924.5

                6. 叶伟,章卫民,李赛妮,陈玉婵,刘桃妹,谭国慧,黄自磊,一种■埃德菌FS110原生质体及其制备方法和转化方法,中国,授权号:ZL 201510540618.1

                7. 叶伟, 黄自磊, 章卫民, 李赛妮, 朱牧孜, 许建林, 李浩华, 刘桃妹. 一种埃德△菌FS110 谷胱甘肽硫转移酶基因GliG 启动子及其应用. 专利号:ZL201711107680.7


                1. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,31500037,基于TALE-TF技术调控纤维堆囊菌埃博霉素高效生物合成及其机制研究,2016/01-2018/1225.2万元,已结题,主持。

                2. 广东省科技计划项目,2015A030302061, 深海真菌Dichotomomyces cejpii胶霉毒素生物合成基因的Ψ 鉴定及其功能分析,2016/01-2018/1210万元,已结题,主持。

                3. 广东省科技计划项目,2016A020222022,应用CRISPR/Cas9技术生物合成深海真菌埃德菌高效低毒的新型胶黏毒素,2016/01-2018/1230万元,已结题。

                4. 广东省自然科学基金博士启动项目,2015A030310103TALE-TF元件调控纤维堆囊菌埃博霉素高效生物合成及其机制研究,2015/08-2018/0810万元,已结题。

                5. 广东省自然科学基金面上项目,2020/01-2022/10, 10万元,深海真菌dichotomomyces cejpii新型〓转录因子DcGliZ调控胶霉◣毒素类化合物生物合成机制研究,2019A 1515011829,在研。

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