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                食用菌研究发展中心    副研究员


                 1. 开●展食药用真菌次级代谢产物的快速分离、结构鉴定,以及生物活性々评价,为创新药物研☆发提供先导化合物。

                 2. 将药理学、化学、生物信息学和分子模拟紧密结合,开展传统食药用真菌调节尿酸代谢、糖脂代谢和神经代谢紊乱药效物≡质基础和作用机制研√究,为食药用真菌精准营养提供小分子、多糖和蛋白等分子实体配料 

                 3. 致力于真ξ菌次级代谢产物生物合成与调♂控机制研究,以合成生ζ 物学策略发现真菌活性分子、生物合成途径重建与调控及代『谢途径设计


                  担任Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, Food & Function10多个SCI杂志特约审稿人。


                1. Liang, D.; Yong, T. (通讯作者); Diao, X.; Chen, S.; Chen, D.; Xiao, C.; Zuo, D.; Xie, Y.; Zhou, X.; Hu H. Hypouricaemic and nephroprotective effects of Poria cocos in hyperuricemic mice by up-regulating ATP-binding cassette superfamily G member 2. Pharm Biol 2021. doi:10.1080/13880209.2021.1885450 .

                2. Liu, T.T.; Ye, F.C.; Pang, C.P.; Yong, T.Q.; Tang, W.D.; Xiao, J.; Shang, C.H.; Lu, Z.J. Isolation and identification of bioactive substance 1-hydroxyphenazine from Pseudomonas aeruginosa and its antimicrobial activity. Letters in Applied Microbiology 2020, 71: 303-310.

                3. Yong, T.; Chen, S.; Liang, D.; Zuo, D.; Diao, X.; Deng, C.; Wu, Y.; Hu, H.; Xie, Y.; Chen, D. Actions of Inonotus obliquus against hyperuricemia through XOD and bioactives screened by molecular modeling. Int J Mol Sci 2018, 19, 3222.

                4. Yong, T.; Li, D.; Li, M.; Liang, D.; Diao, X.; Deng, C.; Chen, S.; Xie, Y.; Chen, D.; Zuo, D. Anti-hyperuricemic effect of 2-hydroxy-4-methoxy-benzophenone-5-sulfonic acid in hyperuricemic mice through XOD. Molecules 2018, 23, 2671.

                5. Liang, D.; Yong, T.(通讯作者); Chen, S.; Xie, Y.; Chen, D.; Zhou, X.(通讯作者); Li, D.; Li, M.; Su, L.; Zuo, D. Hypouricemic effect of 2,5-dihydroxyacetophenone, a computational screened bioactive compound from Ganoderma applanatum, on hyperuricemic mice. Int J Mol Sci 2018, 19, 1394.

                6. Yong, T.; Chen, S.; Xie, Y.; Shuai, O.; Li, X.; Chen, D.; Su, J.; Jiao, C.; Liang, Y. Hypouricemic effects of extracts from Agrocybe aegerita on hyperuricemia mice and virtual prediction of bioactives by molecular docking. Front Pharmacol 2018, 9, 498.

                7. Yong, T.; Chen, S.; Xie, Y.; Chen, D.; Su, J.; Shuai, O.; Hu, H.; Zuo, D.; Liang, D. Hypouricemic effects of Armillaria mellea on hyperuricemic mice regulated through OAT1 and CNT2. Am J Chinese Med 2018, 46, 585-599.

                8. Yong, T.; Chen, S.; Xie, Y.; Chen, D.; Su, J.; Shuai, O.; Jiao, C.; Zuo, D. Cordycepin, a characteristic bioactive constituent in Cordyceps militaris, ameliorates hyperuricemia through URAT1 in hyperuricemic mice. Front Microbiol 2018, 9, 58.

                9. Yong, T.; Xie, Y.; Chen, S.; Chen, D.; Su, J.; Jiao, C.; Hu, H.; Xiao, C. Hypouricemic effect of Grifola frondosa on hyperuricemic mice and virtual screening of bioactives by 3D QSAR pharmacophore modeling. J Funct Foods 2018, 40, 582-588.

                10. Yong, T.; Chen, S.; Xie, Y.; Chen, D.; Su, J.; Shuai, O.; Jiao, C.; Zuo, D. Hypouricemic effects of Ganoderma applanatum in hyperuricemia mice through OAT1 and GLUT9. Front Pharmacol 2017, 8, 996.

                11. Yong, T.; Zuo, D.; Chen, S.; Chen, D.; Su, J. Homology modeling and molecular docking of URAT1 with chemotherapeutic agents for hyperuricemia and gout. Bioinfo Proteom Img Anal 2017, 3, 203-209.

                12. Yong, T.; Zhang, M.; Chen, D.; Shuai, O.; Chen, S.; Su, J.; Jiao, C.; Feng, D.; Xie, Y. Actions of water extract from Cordyceps militaris in hyperuricemic mice induced by potassium oxonate combined with hypoxanthine. J Ethnopharmacol 2016, 194, 403-411.

                13. Yong, T; Wang, J; Mai, Y; Tang, D; Zhang, L. Allyl cyanide as a new functional additive in propylene carbonate based electrolyte for lithium ion batteries. Ionics 2013, 19: 1099-1103.

                14. Yong, T; Wang, J; Mai, Y; Zhao, X; Luo, H; Zhang, L. Organosilicon compounds containing nitrile and oligo(ethylene oxide) substituents as safe electrolytes for high-voltage lithium-ion batteries. J Power Sources 2014, 254: 29-32.

                15. Wang, J; Yong, T; Yang, J; Ouyang, C; Zhang, L. Organosilicon functionalized glycerol carbonates as electrolytes for lithium-ion batteries. RSC Adv 2015, 5: 17660-17666.

                16. Zhang, W; Chen, X; Yong, T; Xu, N; Guan, R;Yue, L. Multiwalled carbon nanotube webs welded with Si nanoparticles as high-performance anode for lithium-ion batteries. J Alloys Compd 2016, 688: 216-224.

                17. Yong, T; Zhang. L; Wang, J; Mai, Y; Yan, X; Zhao, X. Novel choline-based ionic liquids as safe electrolytes for high-voltage lithium-ion batteries. J Power Sources 2016, 328: 397-404.

                18. Chen, S(共同一作); Li, X(共同一作); Yong, T ((共同一作)); Wang, Z; Su, J; Jiao, C; Xie, Y; Yang, BB. Cytotoxic lanostane-type triterpenoids from the fruiting bodies of Ganoderma lucidum and their structure-activity relationships. Oncotarget. 2017, 8: 10071-10084.

                19. Chen, D; Yong, T; Yang, J; Zheng, Cha; Shuai, O; Xie, Y. Docking Studies and Biological Evaluation of a Potential b-Secretase Inhibitor of 3-Hydroxyhericenone F from Hericium erinaceus. Frontiers in Pharmacology  2017, 8: 219.

                20. Du, WW; Zhang, C; Yang, W; Yong, T; Awan, FM; Yang, BB. Identifying and Characterizing circRNA-Protein Interaction. Theranostics 2017, 7: 4183-4191.

                21. Chen, S; Yong, T; Zhang, Y; Su, J; Jiao, C; Xie, Y. Anti-tumor and Anti-angiogenic Ergosterols from Ganoderma lucidum. Frontiers in Chemistry 2017, 5: 85.

                22. Chen, D; Yang, X; Yang, J; Lai, G; Yong, T; Tang, X; Shuai, O; Zhou, G; Xie, Y; Wu, Q. Prebiotic Effect of Fructooligosaccharides from Morinda officinalis on Alzheimer’s Disease in Rodent Models by Targeting the Microbiota-Gut-Brain Axis. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience 2017 , 9: 403.

                23. Chen, S; Yong, T; Xiao, C; Su, J; Zhang, Y; Jiao, C; Xie, Y. Pyrrole alkaloids and ergosterols from Grifola frondosa exert anti-α-glucosidase and anti-proliferative activities. Journal of Functional Foods 2018, 43: 196-205.


                1. 雍天乔,谢意珍,梁丹灵,焦春伟,树舌提←取物的制备方法及其用途,2017 .11 .23,中国,专利号:ZL201711180533.2

                2. 雍天乔,张命龙,谢意珍,焦春伟,一种←蛹虫草水提物、制备方法及其应用,2014.11.18,中国,专利号:ZL201410660797.8

                3. 张灵志,雍天乔,功能化氯化胆碱离∞子液体、其制备方法及其在电化学储能器件中的应用,2015.04.24,中国,专利号:ZL201210585742.6

                4. 张灵志,汪靖伦,雍天乔,一种用作锂离子电池过充保护剂的氧化还原梭,2015.04.28,中国,专利号:ZL201510207831.0

                5. Lingzhi Zhang, TianqiaoYong. Functionalized choline chloride ionic liquid, preparation method thereof and use in electrochemical energy storage device, 2015.10.22, 美国,美国专利号:US9,728,806B2

                6. 张灵志,雍天乔,含氰基高介电常数有机硅电解质材料.2012.09.15,中国,专利号:ZL201010182978.6


                1. 国家自然科学基金青年基金,虫草素通过ALPK1-URAT1-NF-κB途径改善尿酸代谢←机制研究,批准号31901696 24万元,项目负责人,在研;

                2. 广州市基础与应用基础研究项目,基于虫草素骨架高尿酸血症关键靶标URAT1新型抑制剂设计、合成和生物学功能研究, 20万元,项目负责人,在研。 

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