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                时间:2020-11-16 浏览:

                广东省微生物菌种保藏中心    博士




                1. Honghong Dong; Huiyun Fan; Zhaoxi Lei; Dengbo Zhou, Huaping Li*, Histological and gene expression analyses in banana reveals the pathogenic differences between races 1 and 4 of banana fusarium wilt pathogen. Phytopathology. 2019.5.8. 109 (6). 1029~1042.

                2. Honghong Dong; Yunfeng Li; Huiyun Fan; Dengbo Zhou, Huaping Li*, Quantitative proteomics analysis reveals resistance differences of banana cultivar 'Brazilian' to Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense races 1 and 4. Journal of proteomics. 2019.7.15, 203 (1) 103376.

                3. Honghong Dong; TingYi Ye; YiYun Guo; Huaping Li*, Comparative transcriptome analysis revealed resistance differences of Cavendish bananas to Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cubense race1 and race4. BMC genetics. 2020.

                4. Huiyun Fan; Honghong Dong; Chunxiang Xu; Bei Hu, Jingwen Ye; Guiwai Mai; Huaping Li*, Pectin methylesterases contribute the pathogenic differences between races 1 and 4 of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense. Scientific Reports, 2017.10.13 ,7:13140. (IF=4.122)

                5. Huiyun Fan; Zhaoxi Lei; Honghong Dong; Dengbo Zhou; Huaping Li*, Immune responses in Brazilian banana determining the pathogenic differences between the physiological races 1 and 4 of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense. Journal of plant pathology. 2019.5, 101 (2). 225~234. (IF=0.944)

                6. 董红红,邓海滨,王晓宾,李华平,阮小蕾*,种子携█带病毒对烟草苗期病毒病发生的影响[J],烟草科技,2017(04):18~24.

                7. 董红红,李华平*,香蕉枯萎病菌1号和4号小种侵染巴西蕉后的蛋白质ㄨ组学分析,中国植物病理学会第十一届全国〒会员代表大会暨2018年学↘术年会,2018.8.24, 61,中国北京,2018.

                8. 董红红,李华平*Foc侵染早期巴西蕉根系的比较转录组学分析,中国植物病理学会第十二届全国会员代表大会暨2019年学术年会,2019.7.20, 109,四川成都,2019.

                9. 雷朝喜,王文玮,董红红,李华平*,香蕉枯萎病菌Foc4侵染不同香蕉品种的差异分析,中国植物病理学会第十一届全国会员代表大会暨2018年学术年会,2018.8.24, 388,中国北京,2018.

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