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                时间:2020-11-16 浏览:

                广东省微生物菌种保藏中心    博士




                1. Dong Yijie, Li Xiaohui, Duan Jiaqi, Qin Youcai, Yang Xiufen, Ren Jiie, Li Guangyue*. Improving the yield of Xenocoumacin 1 enabled by in situ product removal. ACS Omega, 2020 3;5(32):20391-20398.

                2. Dong Yijie#, Yao Peiyuan# (Co-first author), Cui Yunfeng, Wu Qiaqing, Zhu Dunming*, Li Guangyue* and Manfred T. Reetz*. Manipulating the stereoselectivity of a thermostable alcohol dehydrogenase by directed evolution for efficient asymmetric synthesis of arylpropanols. Biological chemistry, 2019, 400.3: 313-321.

                3. Yang Yuankun, Yang Xiufen, Dong Yijie* (Corresponding author) and Qiu Dewen*, The Botrytis cinerea xylanase BcXyl1 modulates plant immunity, Frontiers in Microbiology, 2018, 9.

                4. Yuankun Yang, Yi Zhang, Beibei Li, Xiufen Yang, Yijie Dong* (Corresponding author) and Dewen Qiu*, A Verticillium dahliae Pectate Lyase Induces Plant Immune Responses and Contributes to Virulence, Frontiers in Plant Science, 2018, 9: 1271.

                5. Dong Yijie#, Zhang Dan# (Co-first author), Yu Qilin, Zhao Qiang, Xiao Chenpeng, Zhang Kai, Jia Chang, Chen Sijia, Zhang Bing, Zhang Biao and Li Mingchun*. Loss of Ssq1 leads to mitochondrial dysfunction, activation of autophagy and cell cycle arrest due to iron overload triggered by mitochondrial iron-sulfur cluster assembly defects in Candida albicans. International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology, 2017, 85: 44-55.

                6. Dong Yijie, Yu Qilin, Chen Yulu, Xu Ning, Zhao Qiang, Jia Chang, Zhang Bing, Zhang Kai, Zhang Biao, Xing Laijun and Li Mingchun*. The Ccz1 mediates the autophagic clearance of damaged mitochondria in response to oxidative stress in Candida albicans. International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology, 2015, 69: 41-51.

                7. Dong Yijie, Lang Zhe, Kong Xian, Lu Diannan and Liu Zheng*. Kinetic and multidimensional profiling of accelerated degradation of oil sludge by biostimulation. Environmental Science Processes & Impacts, 2015, 17(4): 763.

                8. Xu Ning#, Dong Yijie# (Co-first author), Yu Qilin, Zhang Bing, Zhang Meng, Jia Chang Chen Yulu, Zhang Biao, Xing Laijun and Li Mingchun*. Convergent Regulation of Candida albicans Aft2 and Czf1 in Invasive and Opaque Filamentation. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry, 2015, 116(9): 1908-1918,.

                9. Yu Qilin#, Dong Yijie# (Co-first author), Xu Ning, Qian Kefan, Chen Yulu, Zhang Biao, Xing Laijun and Li Mingchun*. A novel role of the ferric reductase Cfl1 in cell wall integrity, mitochondrial function, and invasion to host cells in Candida albicans. Fems Yeast Research, 2014, 14(7): 1037-1047.


                1. 国家自然科⊙学基金青年基金,31701782,蛋白激发子Hrip1诱导番茄抗黄化曲叶病毒的互作蛋白鉴定与调控机制研究,2018/01-2020/1224万,在研,主持。

                2. 中国博士后科学基●金,2016M601189,水稻中与激ξ发子MoHrip2互作蛋白的鉴定及其功能研究,2016/09-2018/065.0万元,结题,主持。

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