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                1.  Wang, Gangzheng, Li, Min, Zhang, Chenghua, Cheng, Huijiao, Gao, Yu, Deng, Wangqiu*, Li, Taihui*. (2020). Transcriptome and proteome analyses reveal the regulatory networks and metabolite biosynthesis pathways during the development of Tolypocladium guangdongense. Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal, 18, 2081-2094.

                2.  Wang, Gangzheng, Luo, Yi, Wang, Chen, Zhou, Yan, Mou, Chunye, Kang, Heng, Xiao, Yang, Bian, Yinbing, Gong, Yuahua*. (2020). Hsp40 proteinLeDnaJ07 enhances the thermotolerance of Lentinula edodes and regulates IAA biosynthesis by interacting LetrpE. Frontiers in Microbiology, 11, 707.

                3. Wang, Gangzheng, Li, Min, Cheng, Huijiao, Zhang, Chenghua, Deng, Wangqiu*, Li, Taihui*. (2020). Expression profiling of Cordyceps DnaJ protein family in Tolypocladium guangdongense during developmental and temperature stress processes. Gene, 743, 144563.

                4.  Wang, Gangzheng, Cheng, Huijiao, Li, Min, Zhang, Chenghua, Deng, Wangqiu*, Li, Taihui*. (2020). Selection and validation of reliable reference genes for Tolypocladium guangdongense gene expression analysis under differentially developmental stages and temperature stresses. Gene, 743, 144380.

                5.  Zhang, Chenghua, Dai, Yongdong, Wang, Gangzheng, Wang, Chaoqun, Gao, Yu, Deng, Wangqiu*, Li, Taihui*. (2020). Mitogenome of Tolypocladium guangdongense. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00253-020-10889-1.

                6.  Zhang, Chenghua, Wang, Gangzheng, Deng, Wangqiu*, Li, Taihui*. (2020). Distribution, evolution and expression of GATA-TFs provide new insights into their functions in light response and fruiting body development of Tolypocladium guangdongense. PeerJ, 8, e9784.

                7.  Wang, Gang, Luo, Yi, Wang, Chen, Gong, Yu, Zhou, Yan, Bian, Yinbing*. (2019). The DnaJ Gene Family in Shiitake Culinary-Medicinal Mushroom, Lentinus edodes (Agaricomycetes): Comprehensive Identification, Characterization and Expression Profiles under Different Conditions. International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms, 21(9), 909-919.

                8.  王刚正, 罗义, 李佳璐, 边银丙,周雁*. (2019). 毛木耳子实体蛛网病的病害特〓征及致病菌 Cladobotryum cubitense 的生理特性和防控策略. 菌物学报, 38(3), 341-348.

                9.  Luo, Yi, Wang, Gangzheng, Wang, Chen, Gong, Yuhua, Bian, Yinbing, Zhou, Yan*. Selection and Validation of Reference Genes for qRT-PCR in Lentinula edodes under Different Experimental Conditions. Genes, 10, 647.

                10.  Huang, Zhicheng, Lei, Xiaoyu, Feng, Xi, Gao, Shuangshuang, Wang, Gangzheng, Bian, Yinbing, Huang, Wen, Liu, Ying*. (2019). Identification of a heat-inducible element of cysteine desulfurase gene promoter in Lentinula edodes. Molecules, 24, 2223.

                11.   晨,罗 义,王刚正,徐瑞平,周雁,龚钰华,边银丙*. (2019). RNAi法分析香菇色氨酸合酶基因的功能. 食用菌学报, 26(4), 1-8.

                12.  颜莲莲,徐瑞平,戴胜宏,王刚正,边银丙,龚钰华,周雁*. (2019). 过表达漆酶基因 Lelcc1 的香菇菌株构建及表型分析. 菌物学报, 38(6), 831-840.

                13.  Wang, Gangzheng, Zhou, S., Luo, Y., Ma, C., Gong, Y., Zhou, Y., Gao, S., Huang, Z., Hu, Y., Yan, L.L., Bian, Y.B.*. (2018). The heat shock protein 40 LeDnaJ regulates stress resistance and indole-3-acetic acid biosynthesis in Lentinula edodes. Fungal genetics and biology, 118, 37-44.

                14.  Wang, G.Z., Ma, C.J., Luo, Y., Zhou, S.S., Zhou, Y., Ma, X.L., Cai, Y.L., Yu, J.J., Gong, Y.H.*. (2018). Proteome and transcriptome reveal involvement of heat shock proteins and indoleacetic acid metabolism process in Lentinula edodes thermotolerance. Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry, 50(5), 1617-1637.

                15.  Wang, G.Z., Ma, C.J., Zhou, S.S., P?ldmaa,  K., Tamm, H., Luo, Y., Ma, X.L., Guo, M.P., Zhou, Y.*. (2018). First Report of Cobweb Disease of Auricularia polytricha Caused by Cladobotryum cubitense in Xuzhou, China. Plant disease, 102(7), 1452.

                16.  Gao, S.S., Wang, G.Z., Huang, Z.C., Lei, X.Y., Bian, Y.B., Liu, Y. *, Huang, W*. (2018). Selection of reference genes for qRT-PCR analysis in Lentinula edodes during hot-air drying process. Molecules, 24(1):136.

                17.  Ye, L.N., Guo M.P., Ren P.F., Wang G.Z., Bian Y.B., Xiao Y., Zhou Y.*. (2018). First report of a cross-kingdom pathogenic bacterium, Ahromobacter xylosoxidans, isolated from stipe-rot Coprinus comatus. Microbiological Research, 207, 249-255.

                18.  马晓龙,王刚正,樊晓琳,边银丙*(2018). 食用菌与木霉菌互作机制研究进展. 微生物学通报,46(1), 184-91.

                19.  周莎莎, 王刚正, 罗义, 马超君, 龚钰华, 边银丙, 周雁*. (2018). 生长素及其类似物增强香菇↑耐高温性的研究. 菌物学报, 37(12), 1723-1730.

                20.  马超君, 王刚正, 周莎莎, 罗义, 龚钰华, 边银丙*. (2018). RNAi 法分析香菇邻氨基苯甲酸合酶基因功能. 菌物学报, 37(5), 581-588.

                21.  Guo, M.P., Bian, Y.B., Wang, J.J., Wang, G.Z., Ma, X.L., Xu, Z.Y.*. (2017). Biological and molecular characteristics of a novel Partitivirus infecting the edible fungus Lentinula edodes. Plant Disease, 101(5), 726-733.

                22.  Wang, G.Z., Cao, X.T., Ma, X.L., Guo, M.P., Liu, C.H., Yan, L.L., Bian, Y.B.*. (2016). Diversity and effect of Trichoderma spp. associated with green mold disease on Lentinula edodes in China. MicrobiologyOpen, 5(4), 709-718.

                23.  Wang, G.Z., Gong, Y.H., Huang, Z.Y., Bian, Y.B.*. (2016). Identification of and antimicrobial activity of plant extracts against Pseudomonas putida from rot fruiting bodies of Pleurotus eryngii. Scientia horticulturae, 212, 235-239.

                24.  Chen L., Gong Y. , Cai Y., Liu W., Zhou Y., Xiao Y., Xu Z., Liu Y. , Lei Y. , Wang G., Ma, X., Guo, M., Bian, Y.*. Genome sequence of the edible cultivated mushroom Lentinula edodes (shiitake) reveals insights into lignocellulose degradation. PloS One, 2016, 11 (8): e0160336.

                25.  Wang, G.Z., Guo, M.P., Bian, Y.B.*. (2015). First report of Cladobotryum protrusum causing cobweb disease on the edible mushroom Coprinus comatus. Plant disease, 99(2), 287-287. IF3.192.

                26.  王刚正, 陈媛, 边银丙*. (2015). 植物提取液对 4 种食用菌子实体病原物的抑制作用. 中国食用菌, 34(4), 76-79.

                27. 王刚正, 曹现涛,边银丙*. (2015). 36 种植物提取物液对食用菌两种竞争性木霉菌的抑制作用. 中国食用菌, 34(2), 74-76.

                28. 曹现, 边银丙*, 肖新军, 李进山, 王刚正. (2015). 高温胁迫对香菇菌丝生长及其抗哈茨木霉【能力的影响. 食用菌学报, 22(4), 81-85.



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