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                时间:2020-11-16 浏览:

                华南微生物资源中心    博士




                1.  Chenghua Zhang, Yongdong Dai, Gangzheng Wang, Chaoqun Wang, Yu Gao, Wangqiu Deng*, Taihui Li*. Characterization and evolution of the complete mitogenome of Tolypocladium guangdongense, Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 104, 9295-9308, 2020SCI

                2.  Chenghua Zhang, Gangzheng Wang,Wangqiu Deng*, and Taihui Li*. Distribution and evolution of GATA transcription factors in Tolypocladium guangdongense and their expression correlation in response to light, Peer J, 8(7), 2020SCI

                3.  Chenghua Zhang, Hong Huang, Wangqiu Deng*, and Taihui Li*. Genome-wide analysis of the Zn(II)2Cys6 zinc cluster-encoding gene family in Tolypocladium guangdongense and its light-induced expression, 10: 179-197, 2019 (SCI)

                4.  Chenghua Zhang, Junpin Zou, Wangqiu Deng*, Taihui Li*, Zide Jiang. Molecular cloning and the expression pattern of AePOPB involved in the α-amanitin biosynthesis in Amanita exitialis fruiting bodies, Gene, 662: 123-130, 2018SCI

                5.  Chenghua Zhang, Wangqiu Deng, Wenjuan Yan, Taihui Li*. Whole genome sequence of an edible and potential medicinal fungus, Cordyceps guangdongensis, G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics, 8(6): 1863-1870, 2018SCI

                6.  Chenghua Zhang, Tao Lin, Jufen Li, Guobin Ma, Yiwen Wang, Pinkuan Zhu, Ling Xu*. First report of the melon stem rot disease in protected cultivation caused by Pseudomonas fluorescens. Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection, 123(5): 1-9, 2016SCI

                7.  Chenghua Zhang, Yifan He, Lu Chen, Yiwen Wang, Pinkuan Zhu*, Bing Ni, Ling Xu*. Loss of bcbrn1 and bcpks13 in Botrytis cinerea not only blocks melanization but also increases vegetative growth and virulence. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, 28(10): 1091-1101, 2015SCI

                8.  Pinkuan Zhu, Chenghua Zhang (co-first author), Huan Xiao, Yiwen Wang, Hideyoshi Toyoda*, Ling Xu*. Exploitable regulatory effects of light on growth and development of Botrytis cinerea. Journal of Plant Pathology, 95(3): 509-517, 2013SCI


                1. 国家自然科学基金青年ω基金项目,31800012,新资源食品广〓东虫草C6-ZFP转录因子CgPRO1功能研究,2019.01-2021.12,在研,主持

                2. 广东省自然科学基金项目,2018A0303130164,光因子诱导广东虫草子实体形成↑研究,2018.05-2021.04 在研,主持

                3. 广东省博士启动纵向协同支持国●家基金项目,2017A030310533Zn2Cys6-type 转录因子 PRO1 对广东虫草□ 子实体发育及活性成分代谢①的调节研究,2017.10-2019.9,结题,主持

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