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                时间:2020-11-16 浏览:

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                1. Qi Hong; Qian Yuhai*; Xu Jingjun; Li Meishuan*; Studies on atomic oxygen erosion resistance of deposited Mg-alloy coating on Kapton , Corrosion Science, 2017, 124: 56-62.

                2. Qi Hong; Qian Yuhai*; Xu Jingjun; Zuo Jun; Li Meishuan; An AZ31 magnesium alloy coating for protecting polyimide from erosion-corrosion by atomic oxygen , Corrosion Science, 2018, 138: 170-177.

                3. Qi Hong; Na Ri*; Xin Jiletu; Xie Yajie; Guo Jiufeng; Effect of corona electric field on the production of gamma-poly glutamic acid based on bacillus natto , Journal of Physics Conference Series, 2013, 418: 012139.

                4. Li Yueming; Zhao Guorui; Qi Hong; Li Meishuan; Zheng Yufeng; Qian Yuhai *; Sheng Liyuan*; Preparation of single-phase Ti2AlN coating by magnetron sputtering with cost-efficient hot-pressed Ti-Al-N targets , Ceramics International, 2018, 44(14): 17530-17534.

                5. Wang Xiaohan; Li Yixuan; Qian Yuhai; Qi Hong; Li Jian; Sun Junqi*; Mechanically Robust Atomic Oxygen-Resistant Coatings Capable of Autonomously Healing Damage in Low Earth Orbit Space Environment , Advanced Materials, 2018 , 30(36): e1803854.

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