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                时间:2020-11-17 浏览:

                微生物安全与健康研「究发展中心    博士




                1. Rui Pang, Ying Li, Kang Liao, Penghao Guo, Yanping Li, Xiaojuan Yang, Shuhong Zhang, Tao Lei, Juan Wang, Moutong Chen, Shi Wu, Liang Xue and Qingping Wu. Genome- and Proteome-Wide Analysis of Lysine Acetylation in Vibrio vulnificus Vv180806 Reveals Its Regulatory Roles in Virulence and Antibiotic Resistance. Front Microbiol, 05 November 2020.

                2. Ying Li, Junru Liu, Chang Su. Hemolytic anemia developed in Kimura’s disease:a case report. Int J Clin Exp. 2017; 10 (1):556-560.

                3. Li Ying, Liu Junru, Huang B, Chen M, Diao X, Li J. Application of PET/CT in treatment response evaluation and recurrence prediction in patients with newly-diagnosed multiple myeloma. Oncotarget. 2017; 11;8(15):25637-25649.

                4. Beverly S Hong, Ying Li, et al. Ectopic Fat Deposition on Insulin Sensitivity:Correlation of Hepatocellular Lipid Content and M Value. J Diabetes Res.2016;3684831.

                5. Li Ying, Lu L, Li Juan. Topological Structures and Membrane Nanostructures of Erythrocytesafter Splenectomy in Hereditary Spherocytosis Patients via AtomicForceMicroscopy. Cell Biochem Biophys. 2016; 74(3):365-371.

                6. Juan Li, Ying Li, et al. Drug-induced modulation of T lymphocytes as a potential mechanism of susceptibility to infections in patients with multiple myeloma during bortezomib therapy. 2015; 71(1):457-464.


                1. 吴清平,曾宇,李滢等。具有广谱抑制多重耐卐药性食源性致病菌的乳酸菌菌株及其应用

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