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                时间:2021-02-25 浏览:

                 环境△微生物研究发展中心    博士



                1. Jin-Na Zhang; Jun Chen; Lei Yang; Min Zhang; Li Yao;You-Sheng Liu; Jian-Liang Zhao; Bing Zhang; Guang-Guo Ying*; Occurrence and fate of androgens, progestogens and glucocorticoids in two swine farms with integrated wastewater treatment systems. Water Research, 2021: 116836. DOI:10.1016/j.watres.2021.116836.

                2. Jin-Na Zhang; Lei Yang; Min Zhang; You-Sheng Liu; Jian-Liang Zhao;Liang-Ying He; Qian-Qian Zhang; Guang-Guo Ying*; Persistence of androgens,progestogens, and glucocorticoids during commercial animal manure compostingprocess, Science of The Total Environment, 2019, 655: 91-99.

                3. Jin-Na Zhang; Guang-Guo Ying*; Yuan-Yuan Yang; Wang-Rong Liu; Shuang-Shuang Liu; Jun Chen; You-Sheng Liu; Jian-Liang Zhao; Qian-Qian Zhang; Occurrence, fate and risk assessment of androgens in ten wastewater treatmentplants and receiving rivers of South China, Chemosphere, 2018, 201:644-654.

                4. Jin-Na Zhang, Hui Lu*, Jian-Zhou Gui, Jong Pyo Kim, Sou Hwan Son, Jung Hoon Park, Structure, nonstoichiometry, sintering and oxygen permeability of perovskite SrCo1?2x(Fe,Nb)xO3?δ (x=0.05, 0.10) oxides , Materials Science and Engineering B-Solid State Materials for Advanced Technology, 2013, 178(7):443-448.

                5. Jin-Na Zhang, Dan-Dan Hao, Hui Lu*, Wen-guang Leng, Jian-Zhou Gui, Yan-An Gao, Facile fabrication of a novel microporous Schiff-base networks polymer membrane on surface modified porous α-Al2O3 support, Materials Letters, 2014, 126: 259-262.

                6. Dan-Dan Hao#, Jin-Na Zhang#(共一), Hui Lu, Wen-Guang Leng, Rile Ge, Xiao-Nan Dai, Yan-An Gao, Fabrication of a COF-5 membrane on a functionalized α-Al2O3 ceramic support using a microwave irradiation method, Chemical Communications, 2014, 50: 1462-1464.

                7. Hui Lu*; Jin-Na Zhang; Qiuping Zhang; Jian-Zhou Gui; Novel Ba0.15Sr0.85M0.15Fe0.85O3-δ (M = Fe, Co, Al, Ti) perovskite oxides for oxygen enrichment: Structural, electrical, and oxygen sorption/desorption properties. Materials Science and Engineering: B, 2020, 262, 114686.

                8. Shuang-shuang Liu#; Jun Chen#(共一); Jin-Na Zhang; Li-Xin Hu; Shan Liu; Xiang-Rong Xu; Xiao-Wen Chen; You-Sheng Liu; Ying*, Guang-Guo; Microbial transformation of progesterone and dydrogesterone by bacteria from swine wastewater: Degradation kinetics and products identification, Science of The Total Environment, 2020,701, 134930.

                9. Min Zhang, Liang-Ying He, You-Sheng Liu, Jian-Liang Zhao, Jin-Na Zhang, Jun Chen, Qian-Qian Zhang, Guang-Guo Ying*. Variation of antibiotic resistome during commercial livestock manure composting. Environment International, 2020, 136: 105458.

                10. Lei Yang, Jin-Na Zhang, Min Xu, Tao Peng, Wen-Jun Shi, Yi-Jing Shi, Guang-Guo Ying*, Contamination Characteristics and Ecological Risk Assessment of Androgens, Glucocorticoids, and Progesterone in the Liusha Bay, South China Sea. Environmental Science, 2019, 40(11): 4879–4888.

                11. Jiang, Yu-Xia, Shi, Wen-Jun, Ma, Dong-Dong, Zhang, Jin-Na, Ying, Guang-Guo*, Zhang, Hui, Ong, Choon-Nam. Dydrogesterone exposure induces zebrafish ovulation but leads to oocytes over-ripening: An integrated histological and metabolomics study. Environment International, 2019, 128, 390-398.

                12. Wen-Wen Cai; Tao Peng; Jin-Na Zhang; Li-Xin; Hu; Bin Yang; Yuan-Yuan Yang; Guang-Guo Ying*; Degradation of climbazole by UV/chlorine process: Kinetics, transformation pathway and toxicity evaluation, Chemosphere, 2019, 219: 243-249.

                13. WJ ShiYX JiangGY HuangJL ZhaoJN ZhangYS LiuL XieGG Ying*. Dydrogesterone Causes Male Bias and Accelerates Sperm Maturation in Zebrafish (Danio rerio). Environmental science & technology, 2018, 52(15): 8903-11.

                14. Jun Chen, You-Sheng Liu, Jin-Na Zhang, Yang Yong-Qiang, Li-Xin Hu, Yuan-yuan  Yang, Guang-Guo Ying*. Removal of antibiotics from piggery wastewater by biological aerated filter system: Treatment efficiency and biodegradation kinetics. Bioresource Technology, 2017, 238: 70-77.

                15. 杨雷, 张晋娜, 史文俊, 彭涛, 熊倩, 石义静, 应光国. 类固醇激素在环境中的污染现状及归趋[J]. 生态毒理●学报, 2019, 14(5): 1-21.


                1. 张晋娜; 应光国; 刘有胜; 刘双双; 陈军; 杨雷; 胡立新; 一株醋酸甲羟孕酮高效降解菌及其应用, 2020-1-3, 中国, ZL201710977850.0.

                2. 刘双双; 应光国; 陈军; 刘有胜; 张晋娜; 胡立新; 一株去氢孕酮降解菌及其应用, 2019-10-8, 中国, ZL201710495742.X.

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