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                时间:2021-02-25 浏览:

                 微生物工程研究发展中心↑    博士




                1.    Wang B., Jin J., Xu Z., Jiang Z., Li X., Jiang F., Liu Y. *, Single-step synthesis of highly photoluminescent carbon dots for rapid detection of Hg2+ with excellent sensitivity. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2019, 551: 101-110.

                2.    Wang B., Wang Y., Zhang X., Xu Z., Jiang P., Jiang F., Liu Y. *, Bifunctional carbon dots for cell imaging and inhibition of human insulin fibrillation in the whole aggregation process. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2020, 147: 453-462.

                3.    Jin J., Wang B., Xu Z., He X., Zou H., Yang Q., Jiang F., Liu Y. *, A novel method for the detection of silver ions with carbon dots: excellent selectivity, fast response, low detection limit and good applicability. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2018, 267: 637-635.

                4.    Huang R., Wang B., Si-Tu X., Gao T., Wang F., He H., Fan X., Jiang F., Liu Y. *, A lysosome-targeted fluorescent sensor for the detection of glutathione in cells with an extremely fast response. Chemical Communications, 2016, 52: 11579-11582.

                5.    He X., Wang B., Li X., Dong J. *, Converse transitions between the micelles and the vesicles of pyrrolidone-based AIE amphiphilic copolymers in polar and apolar solvents, RSC Advances, 2019, 9: 28102-28111.

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