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                时间:2021-03-25 浏览:

                华南微生物资源中心 博士




                1. Zhang, W.-Y.; Zhong, Y.; Yu, Y.; Shi, D.-F.; Huang, H.-Y.; Tang, X.-L.; Wang, Y.-H.; Chen, G.-D.; Zhang, H.-P.; Liu, C.-L.; Hu, D.; Gao, H.; Yao, X.-S., 4-Hydroxy Pyridones from Heterologous Expression and Cultivation of the Native Host. Journal of Natural Products 2020, 83, (11), 3338-3346.

                2. Zhang, W.-Y.; Yu, Y.; Yan, L.-L.; Li, C.; Han, J.-Y.; Qin, Z.-F.; Dai, Y.; Yao, Z.-H.; Zhou, H.; Yao, X.-S., Discovery of cardio-protective constituents of Gualou Xiebai Decoction, a classical traditional Chinese medicinal formula. Phytomedicine 2019, 54, 318-327.

                3. Zhang, W.-Y.; Feng, X.-L.; Lu, D.; Gao, H.; Yu, Y.; Yao, X.-S., New lignans attenuating cognitive deterioration of A beta transgenic flies discovered in Acorus tatarinowii. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters 2018, 28, (4), 814-819.

                4. Pang, Q.-Q.; Zhang, W.-Y.; Li, C.-Y.; Li, H.-B.; Zhang, Y.; Li, L.; Zang, C.-X.; Yao, X.-S.; Zhang, D.; Yu, Y., Antidementia effects, metabolic profiles and pharmacokinetics of GJ-4, a crocin-rich botanical candidate from Gardeniae fructus. Food & Function 2020, (10). Published.

                5. Lu, Q.; Zhang, W. Y.; Pan, D. B.; Shi, D. F.; Pang, Q. Q.; Li, H. B.; Yao, X. J.; Yao, Z. H.; Yu, Y.; Yao, X. S., Phenolic acids and their glycosides from the rhizomes of Cimicifuga dahurica. Fitoterapia 2019, 134, 485-492.

                6. Pan, D.-B.; Zeng, C.; Zhang, W.-Y.; Li, T.; Qin, Z.-F.; Yao, X.-J.; Dai, Y.; Yao, Z.-H.; Yu, Y.; Yao, X.-S., Non-volatile pungent compounds isolated from Zingiber officinale and their mechanisms of action. Food Funct 2019, 10, (2), 1203-1211.

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