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                职称:? ?副研究员?
                学历:? ?博士研究生?
                研究方向: 微生物电】化学技术
                2018.07-至今      广东工业大学 环①境科学与工程     博士后 
                2016.10-2017.10    丹麦科⊙技大学 环境工程  联合培养博士 
                2012.09-2018.06   华南理工大学 环境科学与工程  博士 
                2008.09-2012.06   南昌大学 环境工程  学士
                1. Shaofeng Zhou, Beiping Zhang, Zhiyang Liao, Lihua Zhou, Yong Yuan*. Autochthonous N-doped carbon nanotube/activated carbon composites derived from industrial paper sludge for chromate (VI) reduction in microbial fuel cells. Science of the Total Environment, 2020, accepted. 
                2. Shaofeng Zhou, Lihua Zhou, Yaping Zhang*, Jian Sun, Junlin Wen, Yong Yuan*. Upgrading earth-abundant biomass into three-dimensional carbon materials for energy and environmental applications. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2019 (7), 4217-4226. 
                3. Beiping Zhang, Shaofeng Zhou (共同一作), Lihua Zhou, JunlinWen, Yong Yuan*. Pyrolysis temperature-dependent electron transfer capacities of dissolved organic matters derived from wheat straw biochar. Science of the Total Environment, 2019 (696), 113895 
                4. Yingying You, Shaobin Huang, Xuesong Zhao, Han Li, Fangqin Cheng, Jinhua Wu, Yongqing Zhang, Shaofeng Zhou*. Hybrid microbial electrolytic/UV system for highly efficient organic pollutants removal. Journal of Environmental Science, 2019 (83), 39-45 
                5. Shaofeng Zhou, Shaobin Huang*, Xiaohu Li, Irini Angelidaki, Yifeng Zhang*. Microbial electrolytic disinfection process for highly efficient Escherichia coli inactivation. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2018 (342), 220-227. 
                6. Shaofeng Zhou, Shaobin Huang*, Yi Li, Nannan Zhao, Han Li, Irini Angelidaki, Yifeng Zhang*. Microbial fuel cell-based biosensor for toxic carbon monoxide monitoring. Talanta, 2018 (186), 368-371 
                7. Shaofeng Zhou, Shaobin Huang*, Jiaxin He, Han Li, Yongqing Zhang. Electron transfer of Pseudomonas aeruginosa CP1 in electrochemical reduction of nitric oxide. Bioresource Technology, 2016 (216), 1271-1274.
                1. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基●金项目,电活性生物膜对重金属离子急性●刺激的耐受特征及调控机制(21906028),26万,主持,2020-2022,在研 
                2. 中国博士后科学基@金面上项目(2019M652824),8万,主持,2019-2020,结题 3. 广州市菁英计划留学项目,微生物电芬顿系统用于水体消毒的应用研究,15.6万,主持,2016-2017,结题